Fresco 3000 Back

The perfect climate in the cabin.
This is the split version with the evaporator positioned inside, in the sleeping area and the condenser outside, on the back of the truck cabin.
Rapid attainment of the desired temperature, leaving the hatch free and allowing the vehicle to remain within the boundary gauge.

Fresco range
This is the widest range of parking coolers on the market.
The various possible applications combine advantages both for the vehicle driver and the air conditioner installer.
Choosing a product from the Fresco range helps both to reduce CO 2 emissions and fuel consumption and increases safety on the road as a natural consequence of good rest.
Main advantages:
– Reduction of CO2 emissions
– Fuel saving
– Certainty of a healthy rest
– More safety on the road

Parking coolers for industrial vehicles
Parking coolers operate with the engine off and can ensure a healthy climate and ideal temperature inside the cabin. This reduces fuel consumption and consequently also reduces pollutant emissions. This comfort also benefits the driver, both while driving and during stops.