Compliance requirements
Autoclima has obtained the renewal of the certification of the Integrated Quality, Environment and Safety System in accordance with the requirements of the management systems UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2014 and UNI EN ISO 45001:2018.

Quality, Environment and Safety Policy
The Integrated System
Quality Management
Quality Management (in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2008) in order to guarantee the supply of air conditioning and refrigeration services and products, always looking for the satisfaction of the needs expressed by the customer, as well as the continuous improvement of performance in strict compliance with the law.
Autoclima is also committed to maintaining the company’s production capacitysuitable to meet the requirements of the ATP Regulations (Italian and French).
Environment and Safety
Environmental Management and Safety Management (compliant with UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 and BS-OHSAS 18001:2007) in order to: comply with mandatory legislative requirements on environmental, safety and health protection; prioritise the prevention of health and safety risks and environmental impacts in all company activities; minimise its own significant environmental impacts and health and safety risks; reduce the consumption of resources and materials by committing, where possible, to recovery and recycling.
Reduce injuries by providing ongoing training and information; to develop a culture of safety among its staff and to raise awareness of respect for the environment in normal activities, as well as training in the use of appropriate techniques to prevent and mitigate problems due to emergencies; to communicate with stakeholders and partners, both to disseminate its policy and to involve them in its improvement efforts.

The integrated system
Autoclima intends to invest all the necessary means and resources for a proper preparation and subsequent implementation of the Integrated Systemand asks all employees and suppliers to be fully involved in the implementation of the principles of the System and the achievement of the objectives defined from time to time under the following general policy guidelines:
Optimization of production processes that ensures the achievement of desired quality and economic objectives, through excellent management of business activities and constant monitoring;
Performance Enhancement
Prioritize the economically feasible adoption of best available technologies. Products and raw materials, plants, equipment and processes are chosen in order to achieve a continuous reduction of impacts on the environment and effects on the health and safety of workers, while respecting and maintaining the quality level of the product.
Training, awareness, and skills
Training of workers to increase their awareness and competence for the implementation of the management system, compliance with this policy and the achievement of quality, environmental, health and safety objectives.